I forced myself not to look behind again after I left you that evening,
Although my heart was screaming and asking me to turn myself just for a couple of minute,
But my feet lead me walking to the direction where I supposed to go.
I tried to calm down my heart by telling myself with your words,
the words which always be my treasure...
the words which always make me comfort.
With smile I crossed the street and standing behind the shade waiting for the bus...
and it was already
With smile I stepped down from the bus and walking towards the sacred place.
And what came to my surprise....I grumbled and sighed alone, mixed feeling between upset, frustrated, and again gloomy.....oh no, it was really full with people already.
Suddenly I forced myself to listen to that voice again...
“I wouldn’t join this time yet I am going to wait for the next one”.
And that’s it....I needed to have my own time.
therefore my battle was begun:
It was already
14:38 when I entered the bus to take me to your place again
I just whispered alone asking the driver to drive faster and faster..
Every single second was meant for me
It was then
14:43 when I reached the bus stop,
So i jumped and I run until the main hall
I urged myself.....ran and ran for you before the time.
I saw the main clock in the main hall...it was
Honestly I begged it to stop for a while and let me having again my time with you
to the track 18 I wanted to lead myself and to see you before
By the time I reached you again,
When I saw you smiled
When I saw you came to me
And when you brought me to your arms again
My battle with time was over.
Yes dear, i humbly said....i can beat the time this time.
Though finally you went but at least we had the time..
The time which was belong to us.
Yes dear, our time….forever and eternally.